No Parking. Unless You’re With the City of University Park.

So I was driving across Lovers Lane at about 10:30 this morning when a car clearly marked “City of University Park” stopped in the road and parked in front of a curb labeled “no parking” and a sign sportin’ the same message. This maneuver sent an otherwise simple traffic pattern around his vehicle and into the turn lane. Note the wide open driveway at the home he was visiting.  

All I’m sayin’ is this. If you’re drivin’ a city car for your job, don’t do stuff like that.

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4 thoughts on “No Parking. Unless You’re With the City of University Park.

  • September 14, 2010 at 11:54 am

    Oh my gosh. You think that is bad. A UP Police Cruiser (#1566) parked at the 5th grade drop off-spot at MIS this morning in the Queue lane at 7:45. The traffic started backing up because he was carrying on a conversation with another officer who was not in his car. He was only 1/10th of the way up the lane so the traffic backed up quickly. People in the lane who had already dropped off their kids had to back up their cars to get around him. One car almost backed into a group of bikers. I finally pulled up behind him when it was my turn. Once my kids were out of my car, I got out, walked to his cruiser and asked him to move his car so that it didn’t back up traffic. He looked at me like I was crazy. I pointed to the traffic behind us and he said “ok” but really rudely. I pointed out to him that I couldn’t get around him unless he moved his car to which he replied “ok” again. He did move his car but he was not nice about it. If parents aren’t allowed to “stand” in the lane why is a policeman doing that? Anyway, I was disappointed with how he acted and the lack of concern he showed for the safety of our children. While I’m complaining, I must say that carpool at HPMS/MIS has been a dream this year and thank you to all of the other police officers and parent volunteers who have helped make that happen.

  • September 14, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    I saw an suv pulling a trailer parked right outside of a chipotle…in front of the door in a no parking zone. The suv had two large campaign signs on the doors with all the pertinent information including the candidate’s photo. When in went into chipotle, the candidate was inside picking up an order.

    I just don’t understand why some people don’t think basic parking rules apply to them. If i were running for office and driving around in a vehicle with my campaign signs, i think i would go out of my way to be sure i didn’t come across as entitled.

  • September 14, 2010 at 7:01 pm


    If you were so worried about it and took the time to do all the picture taking, did you call the police? Wish i had your kind of time.

  • November 3, 2010 at 5:19 pm


    keep pointing it out


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